
How Led Leisure’s UK PABA Workshop is Making Waves in Aquatic Education

In today’s rapidly changing job market, it’s more important than ever to keep our skills and knowledge up-to-date. Upskilling, the process of learning new skills or improving existing ones, can open doors to new job opportunities. Led Leisure’s in Devon supported their teachers by investing in additional aquatic education workshop in March, which is a great example of how upskilling can make a positive impact on their team. The teachers had some much fun, they were from a variety of backgrounds, Baby Swimming Teachers, AquanataI & Aquafitness Instructors who all come together to learn a new Aquatic Concept. The workshop proved popular with parents as there were over 20 bookings from the 1st advertisement.

Benefits of Upskilling

There are many benefits to upskilling including:

1. Increased employability: One of the primary benefits of upskilling is increased employability. In today’s job market, employers are looking for individuals who possess a diverse skill set and are capable of adapting to new technologies and trends. By upskilling, you can make yourself more attractive to potential employers and stand out from the competition.

2. Career advancement: Another significant benefit of upskilling is the potential for career advancement. By acquiring new skills or enhancing existing ones, you can increase your value to your current employer and position yourself for higher-level roles or promotions. Upskilling can help you expand your skill set and take on new responsibilities, making you a more valuable asset to your employer.

3. Increased earning potential: Upskilling can also lead to increased earning potential. As you acquire new skills and take on more responsibilities, you may become eligible for higher salaries and bonuses. In some cases, upskilling may even open up new career paths or opportunities for entrepreneurship, which can lead to even greater financial rewards.

4. Improved job satisfaction: When you upskill, you become more capable and confident in your abilities, which can lead to improved job satisfaction. You may find that you enjoy your work more when you are challenged and have the skills to tackle complex problems. Upskilling can also help you stay engaged in your work and avoid burnout, which can lead to increased job satisfaction and better overall mental health.

5. Future-proofing: The world is changing rapidly, and new technologies and trends are emerging all the time. Upskilling can help you stay ahead of these changes and future-proof your career. By acquiring skills in emerging fields, you can position yourself for success in the long term and avoid being left behind as the job market evolves.

6. Personal growth: Finally, upskilling can be a rewarding experience on a personal level. Learning new skills and challenging yourself can help you grow as an individual and build your confidence. It can also help you develop a growth mindset, which is essential for success in any field.


A Workshop sharing a multitude of resources

The PABA workshop is a comprehensive program with lots of take-home resources, designed to teach new skills and knowledge to aquatic professionals. The workshop covers a wide range of topics, including water safety, baby swimming and aquatic fitness activities combined. Participants will learn the latest techniques and best practices in aquatic education, providing them with the tools they need to facilitate the PABA classes.


Reviews & testimonials from previous participants attest to the value of the program. One participant remarked:

“I learned so much in just a few days. The workshop gave me the confidence and knowledge I needed to take my career to the next level.”

Another participant noted,

“The instructor was knowledgeable and engaging. I was able to network with other professionals in the field and learn from their experiences.”

Getting Started with Upskilling

Getting started with upskilling can seem daunting, but it’s important to remember that it’s a process. Start by researching available upskilling opportunities and identifying areas for improvement. Then, choose the right upskilling program that matches your interests and career goals. It’s also important to balance upskilling with work and personal commitments, so be sure to create a realistic schedule and stick to it.


PABA is a new innovative concept that is taking the world by storm, this unique program is offered as a part of our PABS consultancy as an additional program that adds variety to an existing pool schedule. The PABA workshop held at Led Leisure is just one example of how upskilling can make a positive impact on their team of teachers & promoting job satisfaction. By investing in their development, we can open doors to new opportunities to support our local community by facilitating new classes at our pool for parents & children.